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Friday, December 7, 2012

Starbucks Glitter Tumbler

So Fridays are my Starbucks days... I figure anything to make the weekend come faster the better. Anyways, as I'm in line I realized that all their Christmas gear was out but there was no sign of the Candy Cane Cold Tumbler. I have seriously been waiting for it all year! So I asked the Barista if she knew if they were getting it in. She said if its out it would only be at certain stores. She suggested I call around. And just that I did.

Seven stores later I found that the Candy Cane did not come out again this year but there was a 3 pack of straws which included a green, red sparkle and... da da da... a candy cane one!!!!!!!! This was perfect because I already had a regular tumbler and now I could just change out the straws whenever I liked!  Mission accomplished.

But I was still a little bumped that it wouldn't have the candy cane holiday theme on the actual tumbler. Then came the idea -- why not make my own design.... and what better than GLITTER! Who doesn't like glitter?!

So here's what I did:

I made sure to buy the tumblers with the two part system.

Using the outside portion of the tumbler, I sprayed the inside with spray adhesive.
  ***Make sure to wrap the outside with either a paper towel or hand towel so the spray doesn't make the outside of the tumbler sticky. I'd also recommend gloves since it got all over my hands and took me a long time to wash off.

Once you spray, pour glitter into the cup right away, cover with towel, and shake. Make sure to get glitter all over the cup.

 I ended up buying more tumblers and straws to make some for Christmas Gifts.

Here 's the finished product:

Happy Crafting!!!!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Welcome to my twisted yet fabulous life! Being that this is my first entry it only seems fit that I start by explaining the story behind my nick name Kim-nado (as in Tornado).

In the summer of 2008 I went through what most would call my "Party" phase. I had recently broken up with another so called boyfriend (those stories I'll save for later) and was finally single! Time to get Cray! I would go out at least 5 days a week, getting about 3 hours of sleep, waking up... or should I say rolling out of bed and leaving for work with the last night's remnants of make-up. Not to mention the hangovers... eww the hangovers. I'm pretty sure you are picking up what I'm putting down.

Well, one night I went out with some people from work, including my manager, to a night club in downtown Sacramento. To really set the scene lets just say I had a little too much to drink and had boughten a one way ticket on the black out train. LOL! Anyways, as I'm dancing (with my manager) a song came on that apparently I really liked cause I immediately stopped dancing, jumped back, threw my arms up in the air, and screamed "Woooooo! This is my favorite song!!!!!".  Here's where it will all make sense... as I jumped back I tripped a guy walking on the dance floor, who bumped into a girl holding a drink. She spilled her drink on the guy behind her, who then jumped back in shock to only knock into two other girls spilling their drinks on them. All the while, I had no idea what had happened and continued to dance to my alleged favorite song. When my boss told me this story he said "It was like a scene out of a movie. You created a tornado of chaos and kept partying like nothing even happened. You're like a freakin', Kim-Nado".

And so the nickname Kim-nado was born. Even after four years it has still stuck with me. Crazy how time flies. Speaking of time... Here's a little fashion advice. Today while shopping for cleaning supplies at Target I found myself wandering the jewelry section (I have no idea how that happened) and noticed the awesome watch collection. If you don't know, big watches are really in right now. The bigger and blingier the better. But they can be really expensive. So my advice... go for a knock off.

Michael Kors $234.99

 Geneva $21.24
Seriously, who is really gonna read the name on the face plate. You're the one looking at it so why waste all the money for a name?? If you have $200 to spend on a watch, feel free, but in this little twisted life I call "working just to eat", I will go ahead and take the latter.

Thanks for reading and feel free to stop by and "Get Fabulously Twisted" anytime!